all postcodes in AB31 / BANCHORY

find any address or company within the AB31 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB31 5AA 76 0 57.07981 -2.348237
AB31 5AB 18 3 57.077312 -2.354647
AB31 5AD 16 0 57.071331 -2.363677
AB31 5AE 19 0 57.086882 -2.327184
AB31 5AF 19 0 57.078606 -2.345059
AB31 5AG 11 0 57.078783 -2.34731
AB31 5AH 2 1 57.091549 -2.330515
AB31 5AJ 14 2 57.087599 -2.32097
AB31 5AL 4 0 57.090159 -2.317576
AB31 5AN 11 1 57.093137 -2.315902
AB31 5AP 15 2 57.100582 -2.309281
AB31 5AQ 2 0 57.093976 -2.305057
AB31 5AR 8 0 57.088818 -2.296527
AB31 5AS 8 0 57.08172 -2.311862
AB31 5AT 8 0 57.080297 -2.316915
AB31 5AU 7 2 57.079747 -2.341869
AB31 5AX 2 0 57.073093 -2.34536
AB31 5AY 2 1 57.071079 -2.336353
AB31 5BW 10 0 57.059349 -2.330536
AB31 5EB 20 0 57.080586 -2.346908